Ellie Day 1: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound This video follows the treatment of Ellie, a grade mare with a puncture wound to her front hoof. The series encompasses a seven day treatment plan that consists of an every-other-day evaluation and poultice application to the effected foot. Voice over includes a run-down of symptoms to look for when performing an in-the-pasture evaluation. |
Ellie Day 2: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound Steps corresponding to the removal of a poultice and an overview of an injury's progressive recovery based on physiological mechanisms. |
Ellie Day 3: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound Continued description of the Injury Recovery Timeline and how an abscess forms. |
Hoof Problems? HoofSolutions consulting with Patrick Burton AFA CJF Pat Burton, American Farrier's Association Certified Journeyman Farrier, reviews treatment strategies for hoof decay on a pleasure horse that has thrush. |
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Preparation of the Hoof for the Application of a Poultice Navigates through the steps a professional farrier takes to debride (removal of necrotic material) the hoof at the site of the abscess and the hoof's subsequent cleaning. |
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Deep Seated Sole Bruise Demonstrates the steps for fitting a poultice to a stone bruise on a racehorse horse diagnosed as obel grade 2 lame. |
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Caudal Support Offers a short introduction to caudal (heel) support, and follows the procedure for applying Pedorthic Support, a two-part impression material, to the hoof |
Taking Care of Dan's Hoof Outlines thrush treatment from paddock to professional farrier to a poultice application on a Quarter Horse hoof. |
Poulticing an Abscess: Oscar the Donkey Treatment of a large abscess which developed multiple exit points on its way out of the capsule. |
ThunderCloud the Miniature Horse Receiving a Poultice Pack Application Chronicles Sharon applying a poultice to her Mini for sole bruising. |