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Ellie Day 1: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound
This video follows the treatment of Ellie, a grade mare with a puncture wound to her front hoof. The series encompasses a seven day treatment plan that consists of an every-other-day evaluation and poultice application to the effected foot. Voice over includes a run-down of symptoms to look for when performing an in-the-pasture evaluation.
Ellie Day 2: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound
Steps corresponding to the removal of a poultice and an overview of an injury's progressive recovery based on physiological mechanisms. 
Ellie Day 3: Poultice Pack application to a Puncture Wound
Continued description of the Injury Recovery Timeline and how an abscess forms.
Hoof Problems? HoofSolutions consulting with Patrick Burton AFA CJF
Pat Burton, American Farrier's Association Certified Journeyman Farrier, reviews treatment strategies for hoof decay on a pleasure horse that has thrush.
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Preparation of the Hoof for the Application of a Poultice
Navigates through the steps a professional farrier takes to debride (removal of necrotic material) the hoof at the site of the abscess and the hoof's subsequent cleaning.
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Deep Seated Sole Bruise
Demonstrates the steps for fitting a poultice to a stone bruise on a racehorse horse diagnosed as obel grade 2 lame.
Hoof Lameness 1 on 1: Caudal Support
Offers a short introduction to caudal (heel) support, and follows the procedure for applying Pedorthic Support, a two-part impression material, to the hoof
Taking Care of Dan's Hoof
Outlines thrush treatment from paddock to professional farrier to a poultice application on a Quarter Horse hoof.
Poulticing an Abscess: Oscar the Donkey
Treatment of a large abscess which developed multiple exit points on its way out of the capsule.
ThunderCloud the Miniature Horse Receiving a Poultice Pack Application
Chronicles Sharon applying a poultice to her Mini for sole bruising.